Tahsin Khan

Hi, I’m Tahsin - a physician from Toronto navigating a clinical career while obsessing over travel, photography, and building a business I’m proud of. I am incessantly committed to bettering myself and outsmarting life’s traditional scripts. This platform is a space to share my thoughts and learnings, inviting serendipity rather than keeping them as private memos. Through writing, I aspire clarify my thinking and explore ideas that matter to me. Outside of medicine and business, I need creative outlets that allow me to explore freely. This blog is just that — an unstructured playground, free from managing crises or people. You’ll also find me diving into new cities with a camera, enjoying cottage trips, and following Formula 1 or classical men’s tailoring.

Now: a snapshot of what's keeping me focused and figuring out how to be in rooms where I'm the least accomplished.

I keep a list of books I’ve read, highlight thought-provoking articles and podcasts, document my reflections, and capture photos during my travels.